On this page, we will analyze the SBOM generated by the Fossa tool for the PyTorch GitHub Repository. The overall analysis for Fossa is available here.

The SPDX SBOM was generated in the JSON format and converted to RDF/XML using pyspdxtools. It is a valid spdx file and can be validated using the spdx online validator.

SBOM size

kg = kglab.KnowledgeGraph()
kg.load_rdf("../../../data/tools_cs1/sboms/rdf/pytorch-fossa-spdx23.rdf.xml", format="xml")

print("Files:", len(get_files_data(kg)))
print("Packages:", len(get_package_data(kg)))
print("relationships:", len(get_relationship_data(kg)))
Files: 0
Packages: 106
relationships: 211

Is this SBOM NTIA minimum element conformant? False

Individual elements Status
All component names provided? True
All component versions provided? False
All component identifiers provided? True
All component suppliers provided? False
SBOM author name provided? True
SBOM creation timestamp provided? True
Dependency relationships provided? True

Components missing a version: click, filelock, fsspec, jinja2, networkx, numpy, psutil, PyGithub, pytest, pytest-xdist, PyYAML, requests, setuptools, tqdm, typing-extensions

Components missing an supplier: git@github.com:pytorch/pytorch.git, astunparse, boto3, breathe, bs4, certifi, charset-normalizer, click, cmake, coremltools, docutils, enum34, exhale, expecttest, expecttest, fastlane, filelock, filelock, flake8, flake8-bugbear, flake8-comprehensions, flake8-executable, flake8-logging-format, flake8-pyi, flatbuffers, fsspec, future, ghstack, hypothesis, hypothesis, hypothesis, idna, ipython, jinja2, jinja2, jinja2, junitparser, libopenblas, librosa, lintrunner, matplotlib, mccabe, mpmath, mypy, myst-nb, myst-parser, networkx, networkx, networkx, ninja, ninja, numba, numba, numba, numba, numba, numpy, numpy, nvidia-ml-py, opt-einsum, protobuf, psutil, psutil, pycodestyle, pyflakes, PyGithub, Pygments, pytest, pytest, pytest-cpp, pytest-flakefinder, pytest-rerunfailures, pytest-shard, pytest-xdist, pytest-xdist, python-etcd, PyYAML, PyYAML, requests, requests, rich, rockset, scikit-image, scikit-image, scipy, scipy, scipy, scipy, setuptools, setuptools, six, Sphinx, sphinxcontrib-katex, sphinx-copybutton, sphinx-panels, sympy, sympy, tb-nightly, tensorboard, tqdm, types-dataclasses, typing-extensions, typing-extensions, unittest-xml-reporting, urllib3, xdoctest

Source: ntia_checker

Quality Score

dir_qs = "../../../data/tools_cs1/sbomqs/"
sbomqs_df, feature_qscores = sbomqs_scores(dir_qs)
display_qscores_with_descriptions(feature_qscores, tool_list=['FOSSA v0.12.0'])

Tool: FOSSA v0.12.0 (avg score: 7.30)

Category: Structural (avg score: 10.00)

feature score description tool
0 sbom_spec 10.0 provided sbom is in a supported sbom format of... FOSSA v0.12.0
1 sbom_spec_version 10.0 provided sbom should be in supported spec vers... FOSSA v0.12.0
2 sbom_spec_file_format 10.0 provided sbom should be in supported file form... FOSSA v0.12.0
3 sbom_parsable 10.0 provided sbom is parsable FOSSA v0.12.0

Category: NTIA-minimum-elements (avg score: 9.18)

feature score description tool
4 comp_with_supplier 10.00 212/212 have supplier names FOSSA v0.12.0
5 comp_with_name 10.00 212/212 have names FOSSA v0.12.0
6 comp_with_version 9.29 197/212 have versions FOSSA v0.12.0
7 comp_with_uniq_ids 5.00 106/212 have unique ID's FOSSA v0.12.0
8 sbom_dependencies 10.00 doc has 211 relationships FOSSA v0.12.0
9 sbom_authors 10.00 doc has 2 authors FOSSA v0.12.0
10 sbom_creation_timestamp 10.00 doc has creation timestamp FOSSA v0.12.0

Category: Semantic (avg score: 5.71)

feature score description tool
11 sbom_required_fields 7.50 Doc Fields:true Pkg Fields:false FOSSA v0.12.0
12 comp_with_licenses 4.62 98/212 have licenses FOSSA v0.12.0
13 comp_with_checksums 5.00 106/212 have checksums FOSSA v0.12.0

Category: Quality (avg score: 4.17)

feature score description tool
14 comp_valid_licenses 4.54 97/212 components with valid license FOSSA v0.12.0
15 comp_with_primary_purpose 0.00 0/212 components have primary purpose specified FOSSA v0.12.0
16 comp_with_deprecated_licenses 10.00 0/212 components have deprecated licenses FOSSA v0.12.0
17 comp_with_restrictive_licenses 9.86 3/212 components have restricted licenses FOSSA v0.12.0
18 comp_with_any_vuln_lookup_id 4.81 102/212 components have any lookup id FOSSA v0.12.0
19 comp_with_multi_vuln_lookup_id 0.00 0/212 components have multiple lookup id FOSSA v0.12.0
20 sbom_with_creator_and_version 0.00 0/1 tools have creator and version FOSSA v0.12.0

Category: Sharing (avg score: 10.00)

feature score description tool
21 sbom_sharable 10.0 doc has a sharable license free 1 :: of 1 FOSSA v0.12.0


# get the relationship graph to be visualized
graph = visualize_relationship_graph(kg)

# optional: set the physics layout of the network

# show graph


The graph has twice as many edges. This occurs because the main repository has two SPDX IDs, and since every package is related to the main repository, there are two edges for each relationship.


The sbom file contains packages with duplicate SPDX IDs, for example:

SPDXID  :   SPDXRef-custom-38450-git-github.com-pytorch-pytorch.git-fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92
name    :   git@github.com:pytorch/pytorch.git
versionInfo :   fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92
filesAnalyzed   :   true
downloadLocation    :   NOASSERTION
originator  :   Organization: Custom (provided build)
licenseDeclared :   NONE
copyrightText   :   NONE
licenseConcluded    :   NOASSERTION

SPDXID  :   SPDXRef-custom-38450-git-github.com-pytorch-pytorch.git-fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92
name    :   38450/git@github.com:pytorch/pytorch.git
versionInfo :   fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92
downloadLocation    :   NOASSERTION
comment :   Incomplete dependency
supplier    :   Organization: Custom (provided build)
filesAnalyzed   :   false


Between the same two nodes, there are dependencies in two directions (dependsOn and dependsOf), for example:

spdxElementId   :   SPDXRef-custom-38450-git-github.com-pytorch-pytorch.git-fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92
relationshipType    :   DEPENDS_ON
relatedSpdxElement  :   SPDXRef-pip-astunparse-1.6.3

spdxElementId   :   SPDXRef-pip-astunparse-1.6.3
relationshipType    :   DEPENDENCY_OF
relatedSpdxElement  :   SPDXRef-custom-38450-git-github.com-pytorch-pytorch.git-fbbde8df69577fa52a6e354b930a2fe4e921ae92